‘K-Pop Me’ Episode 1 STORY is up here:


Here’s more photos from today’s episode:

jatman-0918-kpm-e01 jatman-0917-kpm-e01

I’m so far ahead in my schedule that I actually had time to have a life this month. I haven’t done anything doll related in 2 weeks! I forgot what it looked like outside, in the sunshine.  I’m trying to get so far ahead that I’m done with things that won’t post until next year.  That way you, the audience, still get a weekly post, but me, the obsessive workaholic, can get some serious free-time to just… be.  Late next year I’m going to have to move, so I’ve definitely have to gear up for that.  I’m not looking forward to moving all my doll stuff… oye vey, that won’t be pretty.  I will make it as seamless as possible for you.  I don’t want to have to take another ‘break’ again where I don’t post for weeks or months, so I’ll jump back into production this weekend.   Thanks so much for reading!!  I will keep attempting to entertain.